
People who are hard to forget:X

People that are always there for you no matter what,who will listen and help you in any situation.People who will always be there for you…who wont judge you,and will accept you for what you are.

Friends:you can share secrets with they  and know that nobody wont;t know the next day,you can cry on their shoulders and know that they care.

Friends:people who you can depend on and trust completely.People who mean a lot to you.People who are hard to find.

My best friends:Catalina,Madalina,Simonik,Felicici,Verginel,Stanicel,Icy`u,Verixu Meu,Nina,Capetel:X:X….I hope i didnt forget anyone:d

Thank you for listening ,helping and loving me as i am!

I love you very much:X:X

7 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. krazysimonik
    nov. 17, 2010 @ 22:42:38

    i love u ,adore u,respect u ,admire u:X
    surioara mea adorata kre ma sprijina si intelege knd am nevoie:X:XX
    always here 4 u:X:X:X


  2. felicika25
    nov. 18, 2010 @ 08:23:01

    I love you too, Alinushu’ meo scuuump :X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X


  3. kidwithhopes
    nov. 18, 2010 @ 08:34:51

    Te iubesccc alinoiu’ meuuuu>:D<:X:X:X


  4. dannutz
    nov. 19, 2010 @ 20:27:36

    nu mai cuvinte de lauda de la prietenii tai alinushule;)….ce pot sa zic bv voua,,si aveti grija una de cealalta;)


  5. annie
    nov. 22, 2010 @ 07:58:29

    alinushu meu mik>:D<…..te supermega iubesc gaza mea:X:X:X


  6. Miss Murderer
    nov. 22, 2010 @ 18:58:30

    si eu….cu intarziere dar no comm 😦

    love u :*


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